10 Main Reasons For The Failure Of Leadership

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Contrary to the secrets of success of the world’s greatest leaders, according to Napoleon Hill in his book “Think And Grow Rich”, there are 10 main reasons for the failure of leadership.

Here they are:

1. Inability to organize details

Еffective leadership requires the ability to organize the details and to rule them. When a man, whether or not the leader, says he is too “busy” to change his plans or to pay attention to any emergency, he admits his inefficiency. The successful leader must be the master of all details related to his position.

2. Lack of preparedness to perform inadequate work

Great leaders are willing, when the situation demands it, to execute any work, which otherwise would have asked someone else to do. ”The greatest among you will be your servant” is the truth recognized by all successful leaders.

3. The expectation to be paid for what you know instead of what you do with what you know

Тhe world is not paying people for their knowledge, they paid for what they work or because they cite other work.

4. Fear of the competition follower

A leader who fears that one of his followers may take his place, sooner or later he will become aware of this fear. A skillful leader transmits his experience to his deputies and deviates some parts of his job. Only such leaders can be “multiplied” to be in several places simultaneously or to pay attention to a number of obligations. Eternal truth is that people who have the ability to get others to work, receive a higher fee than those who themselves do their job. With the knowledge of his job and the magnetism of personality, a capable leader increases the efficiency of others and makes them work more and better than it would have worked without his help.

5. Lack of imagination

Without imagination, the leader is not able to deal with emergency situations or to create plans that will successfully lead followers.

6. Selfishness

A leader who claims that he is only credited for the work of his followers, you will surely run into a disagreement. A true leader does not adopt merit. He is pleased when he sees that followers have been recognized for their merits and rewarded, because he knows that most people are more motivated when job working for praise, than money.

7. Еxcessiveness

Followers do not respect the excess leader. Moreover, excesses destroy the endurance of those who are under this influence.

8. Disloyalty

The leader who is not loyal to his organization, his associates, those above and below him, can not long retain the lead. Infidels man completely despises. Lack of loyalty is one of the main causes of failure in all professions.

9. Highlighting on the “authority” of the leadership

Еfficient leader leads his followers and encouraging, not trying to stir up fear in their hearts. The leader who tries to impress his followers with his “authority” falls into the category of violent leaders. If the leader is true, there is no need to advertise that fact, except by his conduct as compassion, understanding, fairness, and proof that she knows his work.

10. Highlight the title

Successful leaders do not need titles to get respect from their followers. One to whom his titles and highlights mean a lot, usually have nothing else to point out. The door of the office of the real leader is open to all who wish to enter, and there is no space for flattery.

