February 12, 2022

HubSpot Solutions Partner Certification Exam Answers
HubSpot Solutions Partner Certification Exam

A colleague sends you a link to a company that they think would be a good fit for services with your organization. You start looking at the company’s website, and you notice they meet a lot of the secondary criteria of the prospect fit matrix, but they aren’t capturing leads through their website and they don’t sell something that involves a considered purchase process. Based on the prospect fit matrix, is this company a good fit for an inbound retainer?

HubSpot Solutions Partner Certification Exam Answers
HubSpot Solutions Partner Certification Exam

You and your firm’s cofounder both worked in higher education for years before starting the company. You agree that because of your past experience, you want to work with clients in the same industry you’re familiar with. You feel you have the opportunity to build specialized content marketing campaigns for higher education clients and can be proactive when building lead generation campaigns. Which lead generation strategy would be the fastest way to get started selling retainers?