4 Simple Ways to Improve Your Physical and Mental Wellness

With work and other social commitments taking precedence over our physical and mental health, we gradually distanced from what matters in the long run. Devoid of healthy habits and practices, we’re stripping ourselves of the chance of leading a happier, content life. What’s surprising is that all this isn’t news to anyone. We are aware of the damage we are doing to our bodies, yet still don’t pay heed.

With this article, let’s address some important barriers preventing you from espousing a healthy lifestyle. You can drastically improve your physical and mental wellness through these four simple steps that are often overlooked. So, without further ado, let us get straight to the topic.

1. Seek treatment for addiction

Habits such as smoking, drinking, substance abuse, or an intense obsession with a particular activity like shopping, video gaming, or the internet negatively impact your physical and emotional well-being. You’ve grown addicted or “physically dependent” on them to the point that life without them feels unimaginable.

An addicted person’s brain releases an excess of simulating chemicals, such as dopamine- the hormone responsible for producing the feel-good response and making us feel motivated and ready to take on the world. The dangers course are massive. Not only does your brain feel overwhelmed with this sudden cocktail of chemicals, but it also gives a harmful knee-jerk reaction.

By eliminating our dopamine receptors, what the brain essentially does is that it reduces your body’s capability to respond to this dopamine. In the long term, this leads to chronic depression and miserliness that looms a shadow over your mood, relationships, and lifestyle.

With about 21 million Americans addicted to one thing or another, and only 10% seeking the help they need to overcome it, there is a dire need for rehabilitation. At treatment centers like Serenity at Summit, you can receive the help you need to overcome your addiction and turn your life around for the better.

2. Sort out your emotional baggage

Our minds are fragile, and without the right kind of support, love, and nurturing, they can collapse just as easily. They also pack a lot of emotional baggage, from past experiences to relationship issues, which can severely impact our well-being if not resolved. The downfall is that this leads to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress, and we also feel uninterested in life and all the good things it offers.

Poor mental health sours even the best moments of our life. So, if you wish to be in tune with yourself, recognize dysfunctional patterns and work on overcoming them, don’t hesitate to seek therapy or give yourself a much-needed break to better understand yourself and your needs.

The basic steps to go on about this:

  • Understand where the issue lies
  • Accepting that you have it
  • Finding solutions to overcome (remember, this requires time and patience)
  • Releasing repressed emotions through meditation, mindfulness, or therapy
  • Slowly but steadily learning to let go
3. Keep up with loved ones

A daily reminder that you are loved, supported, and cared for by your loved ones is a great way to improve your relationships and make you put in the time and effort required to maintain them. That is why try to make time for the people you love and who make you feel accepted and cherished.

When surrounded by such people, the brain releases the hormone oxytocin, which generates feelings of happiness and gives you a positive outlook on life. This also helps you relax and stave away from stress and emotional instability.

Finding time in a hectic work and home life can be difficult, but it is not impossible. Plus, checking up on our friends and family can be as simple as a text or short phone call to show them that we equally value their relationship and presence in our lives.

Spending quality time with your loved ones doesn’t have to be lavish. If these people understand you and respect your priorities, hitting the grocery store with them or meeting them at the park can be a rejuvenating and fun experience.

4. Hit the pillow earlier

Improve your quality of sleep by hitting the pillow earlier than usual. Since it takes around 18 to 245 days to build a new habit or introduce a positive change such as this in your daily routine, persistence is key. You mustn’t give up after a day or two if you don’t start seeing immediate results.

The REM (rapid eye Movement) phase of our sleep is the most important one. It is the phase our boy enters when we sleep for about 90 minutes. Our body goes through a transformative change during this stage, with restorative processes running full steam.

During REM, the brain regulates memory formation and organizes all the information we have collected in the day, while the body starts to repair worn-out cells and tissues. The longer we remain asleep, the longer the REM Cycle becomes; therefore, it is recommended not to miss out on your daily 7-8+ hours of sleep.

Taking short bouts of naps during the day may count towards giving you temporary clarity, but they cannot replace a good night’s sleep. Overtime and night shift workers must compensate for this sleep during the day and eliminate all distractions. This includes curbing your caffeine intake and screen time at least 2 hours before bedtime, maintaining a consistent sleeping schedule even on weekends, and using melatonin supplements if you have trouble falling asleep at the desired time.


After several unsuccessful attempts, if you feel dissatisfied with your physical and mental health, you neglect one (or more) of the tips mentioned above. With this article, we hope you’ve understood some important ways to get you back on track to a healthy and earnest lifestyle.

It is essential and recommended that you take care of your physical and mental wellness to lead a long, fit, healthy, and fulfilling life with your loved ones.

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