Exterior Painting 101 – Tips and Tricks for a Stunning Home Makeover

Repainting your home’s exterior is a smart way to boost curb appeal and protect it from damage. However, painting is a skill and requires proper preparation, tools, and techniques.

This article shares tips and tricks for getting a great paint job that lasts, including preparing the surface, choosing the right colors, and painting straight lines (also known as cutting in). Read on for more!

Preparation is Key

A fresh coat of paint can make your home feel brand new. It can also add value and create a strong first impression, motivating potential buyers to make an offer more quickly.

However, a successful exterior painting project requires more than just the right paint color and some elbow grease. Prepping and priming the surface, as is using proper application techniques, is essential. It’s not a DIY project that you want to take lightly.

The first step is to select the correct supplies for the job, from brushes to rollers to paint trays. Choose high-quality materials that are designed for outdoor use. This will help your paint withstand weather elements, ensuring it lasts longer than cheap alternatives.

Prepare the Surface

Surface preparation is a key component of any painting project, and it is not a step that can be overlooked or rushed through. It establishes the foundation for the paint and promotes improved adhesion, durability, and an aesthetically pleasing result throughout the job.

Proper preparation includes thoroughly cleaning, sanding (if necessary), and priming. This allows for an even surface that can be painted and addresses issues like dents, cracks, and uneven textures.

It also involves determining the right type of paint for the surface being painted. Exterior paints must be tough and withstand weather elements, such as temperature changes, UV lighting, moisture, and wind. Various manufacturers have different formulas for their exterior paint; the best option will vary depending on the paint’s specific material. For example, alkyd paints may be a great choice for trim and details because they offer a low-luster matte finish that is self-cleaning.

Choose the Right Colors

Painting the exterior and interior of your home is a big job, and it requires the right equipment and skills to do well. However, it can also be a costly project if you make mistakes. If you want to save money and get professional-looking results, try these exterior painting tips and tricks.

To narrow your choices, spend time at paint stores and look through online catalogs for inspiration. Once you’ve decided on a few colors, test them by applying large swatches to your home. It’s important to do this before committing to the final color, as buying and applying multiple coats of paint can be very expensive.

Apply the Paint

A fresh coat of paint boosts your home’s curb appeal and resale value. A quality exterior painting can protect your siding from rot, moisture, and rodent infestation.

For a long-lasting finish, two coats of paint are recommended. A single coat may cover the surface, but it will only withstand 24-hour-a-day weather exposure for a short time. If you’re painting metal, consider oil-based paint, which holds up to harsher weather conditions than its water-based counterparts.

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