How to Prevent Disaster With Public Storm Warning Signal # 1?

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As we know, everybody has to face many natural disasters or weather ups and downs. A storm is one of the natural disasters which are very dangerous. If you want to get information related to storms, preventive measures, operations, awareness, and many more then Public Storm Warning is one of the platforms.

It is employed in all storm and coastal places because these places are more affected by natural disasters. This platform is well-trained in predicting upcoming natural calamities and weather disturbances.

Public Storm Warning Signal # 1 was firstly executed in the U.S.A and the Philippines. There are different levels of public storm warnings like signals number 1, 2,3,4,5 and so on depending on the intensity of the storm. Do you want to know what it is and how to prevent from disasters with the help of it?

In this article, we will elaborate on what it is and how can you prevent it. So, let’s start it.

Public Storm Warning-Overview

It indicates the arrival of a tropical cyclone. It helps the people who live near coastal areas and towns to search for shelter and prepared for heavy rainfall or strong winds. This warning delivers information to people about the intensity and the speed of the storm’s wind.

In case of the storm is already underway you should keep in touch with local authorities and examine the weather forecast to stay safe or sound and informed.

What is Public Storm Warning Signal # 1?

Storms are very dangerous and unpredictable. Public Strom Warning Signal # 1 is the lowest warning signal out of all three signals. It informs people to be prepared for a possible storm attack. This warning signal is useful for people because it tells them if they need to be prepared for the oncoming storm.

It is the initial stage of the storm to alert the public for 36 hours before priors to the storm’s arrival.  The main purpose of this signal is to warn people about weather disturbances. In this situation, you should have to search for a short in a sturdy building.

You should also have to close all windows, shutters, or doors. In this situation, you should also have to turn off the air conditioning and also all fans.

When the Public Warning Signal 1 is raised?

This signal is raised when a tropical cyclone strikes an area for another period of 36 hours.  In this case, the wind is predicted to be strong and fast. Here, we are enlisted some points below which explain the aim of this signal.

  • It shows the speed of the wind and the wind’s intensity in comparison to the intensity of the rain.
  • The main goal of this signal is to alert people about the coming incident.
  • The metrology department is responsible to make sure that the effects of the project will not be felt by the people of the region.
  • It is very difficult to inform that this signal is needed in nations like the Philippines.
How We Can Protect Ourselves After this Signal?

When it is noticed that a public storm warning signal 1 is raised, the waves of the water rise to the highest level and swell. Here, we enlisted below some preventive actions that must have to be taken in this scenario.

  • When the signals rise, the water waves increased. At this time, it becomes very difficult to pay attention and follow the guidelines which are provided by the metrology department as well as other departments.
  • The first signal does not mean that something happened very dangerous. It informs their chances to calm down the storm.
  • In this scenario, the general public is allowed to perform their jobs until the authorities or other departments are warned.
  • We must have to follow all precautionary measures which are outlined by the metrology department in the event.
Final Thoughts

Finally, our study explains well what public storm warning signal # 1 is and how it can be prevented. This warning is helpful to prepare countries for fighting storms. Through this warning signal, several lives could be saved if people react to these warning situations positively.
