In the labor market is essential to be “suitable for the stage” or simply will not have a chance for the next competition.
After a successful written CV, uncertain and lengthy waiting for a response from a potential employer, symptomatic is that always after receiving information that we are invited on the interview, we are always out of time to adequately prepare for it.
To avoid this situation, before you go on a job interview please read the advice’s that in the modern business world are followed by those who want to succeed and be prepared for a successful job interview.
Note the choice of your clothes
Be sure to choose the right clothes before the interview. The way of dressing, of course, depends on the profession and the position you are applying for. Even when the company has not prescribed a dress code, you do not want to go into clothes that look like something you’re sleeping in. The most important thing is to dress so you can gain trust. If you feel good in those clothes, others will react in the same way.
Come on time
Never be late for a job interview. Get yourself extra time before you get to the place where the conversation takes place, and take care to avoid such possibilities even if you are lost. Enter the building company 10 to 15 minutes before.
Get informed
If you do research on the company, its services, products, customers, or competitors, it will give you a better understanding of the needs of the company. The more you know about the company and the principles that represent the market; you have the greater chance to be considered as a serious candidate.
Be prepared
Bring extra copies of your resumes with yourselves, copies of the recommendation, and certainly paper for taking notes. You should have pre-prepared questions, which you will set up at the end of the conversation.
Show some enthusiasm
Handshake and eye contact certainly demonstrate confidence. Speak clearly and with confidence, even if you’re nervous.
One of the most neglected skills during the interview is listening. Make an effort not only to listen but also to read between lines. Sometimes what is not said is as important as what is.
Be sure what your answer to the settled questions is
Candidates often do not think about whether they really answer the questions that the employer has set. Make sure you understand what you were asked, and ask for clarification if you are unsure.
Give examples
One example from your experience is worth more than 50 ordinary stories. In that way, the employer can really see how you’re doing it. Prepare your examples before the interview to highlight how successful and unique you are in what you are doing. Your past behavior can indicate how you would do in the future.
Ask questions
Many candidates do not ask questions during the interview and thus miss the opportunity to learn valuable information. Your questions show what your interest in the company or business is.
Correspondence after the conversation
It is necessary to make a good impression even after the end of the interview. Communication with potential employers, either through e-mail or by mail is another opportunity that you tell the person who is interviewing you, all your qualities that can be useful to the companies. So in the case, you submit additional documentation or negotiate the terms of employment, make sure of the wording and validity of the documents you send.
There is no way to predict in which direction can a job interview go, but it is certainly best to be prepared and confident.